4 week online intensive
Within the heart of a songwriter is a soul that moves to another beat, simply inviting others to move along or be moved. Every story has a movement and the songwriter engages in a mood that will carry the story in the best, most honest and expedient way possible, from the creator to every listener. The journey of songwriting carries with it the joys of completion and the power of emotion - where words and music at times combine forces to transport the soul to their desired location. The affect a song can have is exponential, making songwriting a most rewarding and welcoming of art forms, restoring dignity, igniting passion, healing the soul and inviting the listeners to the feast of sounds!
Come and join us at Songwriters and discover the beauty of simplicity: Being yourself!
WHEN: March 5, 12, 19 & 26
WHERE: Online via Zoom
COST: $200* or $160 if bundled with Skywriters ($320* for both with the Writers Bundle)
*Choose an upfront or weekly payment plan at checkout