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Send Proof Movie Premier

We are delighted to have an opportunity to host a premier viewing of a groundbreaking movie, currently on a world tour called "Send Proof" that documents the journey of the directors' quest to prove if miracles exist. The movie contains testimonies from many heroes of the faith including old friends of the house, Heidi and Rolland Baker. Read more about Send Proof here.

We will be hosting the viewing of Send Proof on Sunday morning, May 29th, at 10am during our morning service. There will be no kids ministry that day as kids are invited to stay to watch the movie, however, we will have an AV feed next door for any parents who need to take their children out during the showing.

Please note that due to copyright issues, the movie will be shown in person and will only stream LIVE online. Following the service, the movie will be removed from our streaming platforms and therefore it will not be available to watch at a later time.

We believe that this movie will bring great courage to many as it documents for the first time, miracles being reported in peer-reviewed journals - we would love you to invite any friends or family who you believe will benefit from watching.

This is a free LIVE ONLY event. No bookings required but you can join the Facebook event here.

May 25

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May 29
