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Life of Worship Week 2



LIFE OF WORSHIP : Before the Song was the Singer ….

Worship has less to do with music and more about us becoming a song that He sang into being before we were born. Our greatest security is in the reality that God likes us as well as loves us and desires to have all of us as opposed to only our singing voice or choral triumph. Just as in the case of prayer - the keys of wisdom open many doors in life and worship is the master key in life that opens a world of God’s perfect Love. This way of living creates an outflow of life that is filled with gratitude and causes a gravitational pull for others towards the goodness and pleasure of God Himself. The ultimate result of worship is God having all His most desired engaged fully with Him and when our entire bodies are a sound of gratitude for so great a Love, then the WHOLE body resonates with the ageless anthem of the Trinity.

Registration for this as a stand alone course is AUD $325 or you can purchase it as a bundle with Life of Leadership and Life of Encounter for $750.


The human body is an ensemble of a divinely designed body, soul and spirit moving together in harmony, in a relationship not unlike the Father, Son and Spirit. Our voices come from within the centre of our relationship with them, as an extension of this harmony that impacts all of life. This session will allow us to explore the sound within our voices that resonates with creation, with His Love for us and for all mankind. Be prepared to listen to your whole being come alive as a song of life.


Worship is more than singing - which is really the result of joyous belonging to the One to whom we have returned - worship is a song of life, lived by those grateful for who He is in and through us. The reality of all of our form being created to move within the Trinity, makes for a much greater story…a grand symphony made of many skilled instruments played by Love himself. Our individual lives join to make a corporate body that makes up the House of Harmony called the body of Christ. This makes all of life a song.


We love a King who determined for us to inherit an unshakeable kingdom of eternal virtues. These literally set us up for life and are the reason that we become conduits of immeasurable love. God is love and our King is undaunted and un-challenged by all of ours. Learning the ways of the King means we govern not only our minds, but emotions and bodies. We become administrators of atmospheres that bring honour to people and glory to the greatest King. Lifted heads see Him and ancient open doors are an open welcome!


This symphony of our lives is how we conduct ourselves in all circumstances. We learnt to posture ourselves in such a way as to invite the King’s ways into all spheres of life. Our worship is our entire life offering that takes the shape of multiple keys for opening doors into communities and families. Harmony comes from understanding the key we are using and being intentional in how we are making way for others, moving from a mindset of being a subject in the courts of life, to being a king shaping history from heaven.


Worship provides us the opportunity for giving glory to whom it is due and for taking responsibility for what is appropriate. The pressure of impressing God is replaced by the relief of being known and makes it easier for us to develop the kind of wisdom we get to wear well. Wisdom will always open the right doors, allowing gateways of goodness to stream into the most unlikely places. When life flow from the throne of grace, we will always show mercy to the those in need, even when it goes against the cultural or social norm.


Heaven is very cool…we know that. But how many of us know that heaven in us is also cool? If you had a choice to either sing the same song or become a song that is experienced- what would your choice be? Would you want to be under the Tree of Life admiring the view, or would you be the sap from the leaves that bring healing to others? Truth is we can be both! The tree under water is a life immersed in all God’s reality, that invites others to experience Him through us rather than only telling others about him. We own this!  


The keys of wisdom open many doors in life and worship is the master key that opens a world of God’s perfect Love. His love is evident in all we think and do and is the legacy we leave with others. The presence of God becomes less about a mystical coming and going of feelings, but a deep throne -seated security of Love that powers our very soul. This conviction is the backbone of the beautiful body of Christ and the movement of gratitude for so great a Love that resonates the ageless anthem of the Trinity!

May 7

Life of Worship Week 1

May 21

Life of Worship Week 3