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Life of Leadership Week 1



LIFE OF LEADERSHIP : Powerful leadership of our own lives builds community

The next move of God is within the moving parts of the body of Christ that is not a puppet on a stage of history, but a flow of Love on the avenues of life where you and I journey. Leadership of self is a daily life skill that enables us to journey hydrated by purpose and energised by passion. In this module we will note the way and speed with which we follow wisdom, as this is what ultimately governs all of our mind, soul and body and provides a reservoir of influence and impartation for all those we impact. Someone greater than us has walked this way first and leads the way with Love. Though this appears somewhat unconventional, it still remains the most remarkably effective way to lead in a world subjected largely to a narrative of fear and abandonment. Creating ecosystems in our lifetime that strengthen relationships, provide security for great conversations and build community will promote growth and vitality everywhere!

LIFE OF LEADERSHIP : The trail of glory is left by people who live intentionally loved

Registration for this as a stand alone course is AUD $325 or you can purchase it as a bundle with Life of Worship and Life of Encounter for $750.


Session 1  Home Security

The greatest security comes from knowing who we are & whose we are. These two things combine to create a life called Home: God with us forever! Living Christ centred means the equilibrium of our true identity becomes the natural leader within us. Creating a safe mindset in our lives is our active role of responsibility that brings world class rewards: life being a walking haven instead of a heavy burden. The aim is becoming constant carriers of peace and joy no matter what happens around us. That allows us the freedom to give others the understanding they need. Secure people secure people.

Session 2  Passion & Purpose

Passion and purpose are the twin motors of life we need for living above the mundane on a mere maintenance level. In order for the two to be aligned, we need discernment for  where we put our energy and how we maximise the time we have in a day. We give ourselves permission to be powerful when we help our heads and our hearts to be best friends and this session will help seal the agreement. This will allow us to enjoy the ‘drive’ of life rather than being driven and distinguishing between the two is an energetic dance best learnt in the spacious scope of family life.

Session 3  Ecosystems of Grace

Grace is the most intelligent force of God’s nature, available to all of mankind. It is also the most renewable source of energy needed and readily available for everyday life. It allows us the freedom of growth within an internal charging system of the Spirit, making us successful in any social or economic environment. It is quite literally the deciding factor of us finishing strong and also, thrive throughout the changing seasons of our lives. Good fruit comes from good roots and the best life is in our own backyard!

Session 4  Sabotage Proof

The greatest challenge in life is overcoming our own heads. There will always be trials and concerns, but how we approach the issues we face can change everything. We need divine sanity not sanitisation of society in order to succeed. Much of what we think could unearth us, can actually ground us deeper in who God is in us, if we allow the process to run its course. The only thing circumventing this process is our decision to opt out. In this session, we can sabotage proof our processes by creating scenarios: just as solar turns sun into power: our heads absorb the light of the Son and convert it into usable joy.

Session 5 Innovation Invitation

Anyone can complain, but it takes innovators to bring and become the change they are looking for. It also takes courage to do things in a new way and perhaps be the entrepreneur on the ground. In reality, this world thrives on those who are not afraid of failing and who see success in all the process. In a society rife with competition, the challenges are real but so is our provision. When we follow the ways of mentors, we mark the world with X’s and life can be a confluence of co-ordinates that lead others to the treasure that God intended for us all to co-discover. Innovators collaborate!

Session 6  The Body of Beauty

The parts that make up the whole body are the people all around us, with various gifts that will both bless and challenge. Moving from from readership to leadership is a journey along which we discover that emotional intelligence can be learnt & spiritual intelligence developed. These factors play an enormous role in us becoming hospitable to healthy relationships. Not only are our bodies a remarkable configuration, but so are our personalities - and rather than living life in defence of the past, we can live boldly in the present. This makes us curious to learn from others in a most powerful & playful way

Session 7 The Ease of Equity

Leading by example requires the kind of vulnerability that is sustained by daily habits that add up disproportionately in the time required to accumulate them. Authenticity comes from responding with humility when faced with change - and constant change comes from responding today as though it were our last! When Love is our renovating force of energy, fear loses its hold and the result is Rest! The eternal discovery of rest & recovery in the moment, is the divine equity we have received in the Trinity and the ease with which we lead our own lives. This is our GOLD: This is the Legacy of the Loving Living!

June 18

Life of Worship Week 7

July 30

Life of Leadership Week 2