The world at large is more than ready for supernatural encounters. The counterfeit spirit has always been parading its wares through the occult, but the Spirit of God is working more powerfully and most humbly through normal people like you and I. In a time of turbulence and uncertainty, God has a plan to move His people to some of the most needed areas, without the need for relocation. When the Spirit of God translated people in the Bible, He always had a reason and result in mind and it is always to bring people closer to Jesus. That same Spirit is still wanting to move us!
The views from God’s throne of grace will always be mercy and when that grace saturates our very bones, there is a holy compulsion in response. Our destiny is to be part of something much greater - a kingdom of robust believers who are moved with compassion and motivated by Love. Many times the focus of spreading the good news of the Gospel comes with the anxiety of time being too short and the list being too long - however we are here to reinforce what God has already put on the inside of you: a confidence that He is working in and through you! Whether the miracles deemed small or great, we are set to put the power of God in us at work for good. We are not winning the world for Christ - Christ is winning the world to Himself and in a wild and wonderful way! He makes us conduits of a most glorious strategy: that of being His body on earth. Welcome aboard the journey through the Vista of Triumphing Mercy.