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CREATE - RENAISSANCE: Mystical Union: Week 5 Wine LIfe

Week 5 Wine Life

The wedding at Cana was only a hint at how Jesus likes weddings to run - with lots of the best wine! Later, what the disciples experienced on the Day of Pentecost, was the glory of God’s new wine as He transformed thousands of people in a day. His people today are still carriers of His Spirit - of His wine. Holy Spirit was given to us as the gift God gave us after He gave us His Son, in order that we could live in Christ’s divine nature and power. His Spirit is no optional extra but the designated God-representation to perfect us, empower us and to spill us out as His Love offering. He is our Beloved! I trust that we will fall in love with Holy Spirit all over again!


Mystical Union

Jesus Christ - the mystery of all ages revealed to us - did not come to conscript us into aesthetic lifestyle devoid of joy or imagination. Rather He came to earth personally, in response to the eternal desire for the Trinity to have unbroken fellowship with the people that they had created in their own image and likeness. The union that results from being in a New Covenant with God through His Son, makes us conduits of irrepressible life and disciples of a most supernaturally loving disposition. When the last supper becomes our feast of favour, we no longer measure life and success according to planetary confinement, but rather according to the measure of Christ - life flowing freely out of us.

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