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CREATE - RENAISSANCE: Mystical Union: Week 4 - Lion & Lamb

Week 4 Lion & Lamb

We don’t have to be as strong as we think we do. In society, weakness is often associated with the fear of being exploited or shamed, but the vulnerability with which the King of Kings exposed Himself on earth, shows us how powerful Love is in displacing that fear. When we are fully surrendered, our life’s roar is the loudest and when we are most yielded to Him - we are most powerful. The dynamic duality of Father and Son succeeds in not only winning our faith, but also our affection. The finished work of Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, is best seen through the lenses of life and death- the theme central to our faith. His Holy Spirit is also the way He frees us so that we can live His Life in the power of the Lion with the heart of His Lamb.


Mystical Union

Jesus Christ - the mystery of all ages revealed to us - did not come to conscript us into aesthetic lifestyle devoid of joy or imagination. Rather He came to earth personally, in response to the eternal desire for the Trinity to have unbroken fellowship with the people that they had created in their own image and likeness. The union that results from being in a New Covenant with God through His Son, makes us conduits of irrepressible life and disciples of a most supernaturally loving disposition. When the last supper becomes our feast of favour, we no longer measure life and success according to planetary confinement, but rather according to the measure of Christ - life flowing freely out of us.

August 17

CREATE - RENAISSANCE: Mystical Union: Week 3 - Love Letters

August 27

Real Men