There will be a new heaven and a new earth but when does that happen exactly? Do we know it as a science or is it more of Love’s work in progress since it involves generations? Scriptures show us that there appears to be a development project in the heart of God with a much larger renovation plan in mind. It hints at perhaps more of a transition between this old earth and the new one, as well as there being a time line of individual lives. However, the process within time as we know it and eternity - means that we have access to all that the eternal can offer us. This calls for divergent faith in a convergent world: thinking beyond the linear into the stratosphere of God’s imagination. For real.
What does it mean when He said: I am making everything new? What does ‘new’ look like in our families, our places of study and work when kingdom renovations are under way? This is what we are wanting to discover together as we walk through the rugged realities of our nomadic lives in a world with limited hope for longterm provision. How can we bring heaven’s realities to earth by housing transformation in today’s society and how do we become an enviable ecosystem in transient times? Our aim is to help develop new mental mechanisms needed for work environments, skills for high performance as well as empowered capacity for developing new ways of solving the same old problems. God Innovation is looking for a home and we are giving Him all the room He needs in order to create a new reality in and through us. We invite you to a personal tour guide through the kaleidoscope of the ecclesia.