WEEK 2 - Via, Verita, Vita or Way, Truth, Life
Jesus told people that He was the way, the truth and life and that no one could come to the Father except through Him. He was no exception to that as He came from the Father Himself. We can explore a dimension of the Father through the Son that is more than the 2 dimensional ‘door’ concept we may have had in the past about Jesus. The reality of an entire facility in the Spirit that is multi dimensional, opens more extensively to us people than the narrow view of knocking tirelessly on His door for attention. What the enemy could not keep, he stole to keep from us.
The 1st thing that most people long for in life is love; the most famous songs are about love and let’s be honest - love stories with great endings are so deeply satisfying. As humans we are driven by the need to be located and loved by someone because it is built into our original design. Significance is what the world is looking for and the search ends when we are found in the Father through His Son. This part of the school has us looking at the compass we use in order to navigate through unchartered territories, with Christ always being our true North and us being our true selves. No one has ever loved us like He has and His covenantal grace allows us to mature in our capacity for loving both ourselves and others - as someone said: loved people love people. Being sustained from an eternal dimension, makes us candidates for creating healthy community where trust can grow. In this finale you can experience the reality of being loved by the greatest of all and in turn, be part of the closing act of the greatest love story on earth that ends with a Divine Duet inviting the whole world to their wedding.